Online Learning you can access any
where easily!

Explore a wide range of courses and live classes designed to help you excel in your studies. Join now and start learning anytime, anywhere!

من نحن

نحن موقع متخصص يضم أساتذة رائدين في مجال التعليم المباشر، نسعى إلى تقديم أفضل تجربة تعليمية من خلال عرض المادة التعليمية وتطبيقاتها بأحدث الطرق وأبسطها، ومن خلال تقنية البث المباشر نستطيع أن نكون وجهاً لوجه مع الطالب

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Our Services

Educational Subjects

We deliver educational content online, eliminating the need for paper materials.

Auxiliary Applications

We develop auxiliary applications for each subject to enhance understanding and analysis.

Exam Forms

We consider the curriculum descriptions and the concise methods used in official exams.


Lebanese Cirriculum

Explore courses based on the Lebanese curriculum.

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International Cirriculum

Coming Soon🚧


Basic plan

1 student

$10 per month

Team plan

Up to 4 students

$20 per month

Our Consultants

Zeina Zein Al-Dein

Bachelor's degree in media and advertising page management

Mohammad Kebane

Master's degree in economic sciences

Serkes Oun

Bachelor's degree in educational administration

Rida Al Moussawi

Master's degree in economic and social projects engineering

Sevana Dadian

Master's degree in educational psychology

Waled Daw

Bachelor's degree in computer programming

Haidar Ismail

PhD in arabic Language

Michel Efrem

Master's degree in computer engineering